The LNAT is used by universities to help them select candidates for their undergraduate law courses. The test doesn’t test your knowledge of law or any other subject. Instead, it helps universities assess your aptitude for the skills required to study law. The content...
Five Medical School Interview Tips I Wish I had Known

Five Medical School Interview Tips I Wish I had Known

  Medical school interviews can be absolutely terrifying, especially if you’ve never been in an interview scenario before – it’s hard to know what to expect and people often panic about not being able to answer questions. Don’t worry though, as I’ve put together...
5 Insider Tips on How to Impress Your Interviewer

5 Insider Tips on How to Impress Your Interviewer

  www.themedicportal.com Specialists in interview preparation for the Medical Schools You’ve done all the hard work and finally received an interview for medical school. Interviews can be very daunting, but by preparing well and remembering a few important pieces...

5 Reasons why PBL is Great

*(PBL) Problem-Based Learning PBL is a method of teaching used by many Medical Schools. It usually involves a small group (around eight students plus a staff facilitator) delivering learning objectives from a scenario based on a patient, and then going away and...