If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to sit the BMAT: Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Medicine (Graduate Entry). The Biomedical Admissions Test lasts 2 hours and is sat under timed conditions. The BMAT is divided into three sections. Section 1 tests problem solving, understanding argument, and data analysis and inference. Section 2 is based on the knowledge typically included in non-specialist school Science and Mathematics courses. It tests your ability to apply this knowledge – possibly in unfamiliar contexts. Section 3 tests the capacity to develop ideas and to communicate them effectively in writing. It is not a test of knowledge.
Why do I have to take a test?
Most applicants to Oxford University have great personal statements, excellent references, and are also predicted top grades. It can therefore be difficult for us to choose between so many well-qualified candidates, especially as applicants come from all over the world and take different qualifications. Tests give us an extra piece of information for every student who has applied for a given course, wherever they are from. Considered together with the other elements of the application, this helps us to identify the very best candidates. However, there is no specific mark that will guarantee your application will be shortlisted. The tests vary each year, and your test score will be considered alongside the scores of other students who apply for your course.
Do I have to pay?
The BMAT is run by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing, who charge all candidates sitting the test a standard entry fee, see the CAAT website for details of this year’s fees. Please be aware that if you are sitting the test in an independent test center you may be charged an additional administration fee; you should contact your center for details. However, we do not wish the cost of sitting the test to be a barrier so financial support may be available if it is difficult for you to pay. If you meet certain criteria, you will be eligible to have the cost of your fees reimbursed, find out more here. For further guidance about this please contact us.
How are the tests designed and reviewed?
When a department wishes to introduce a new admissions test for their course, there is a substantial consultation process within the University, including a pilot testing phase, designed to ensure that the test is suitable. Where appropriate, subject departments are encouraged to share common tests, or elements of tests, to ease the process of application for the student and administration for the school or college. Use of the tests is carefully reviewed and we undertake substantial statistical evaluation of each test.
Dates for 2021 & 2022
The BMAT is administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). All candidates applying to Medicine (A100), Medicine (Graduate Entry A101) and Biomedical Sciences must sit the BMAT in November on the following date:
- Wednesday 3 November 2021
- Wednesday 2 November 2022
We are aware that sometimes tests fall during school half terms which vary by region each year. Unfortunately, due to the tight time frames for processing applications, it is not possible to avoid this but we hope that by giving considerable notice of test dates, schools will be able to make plans for their students to sit tests either at their school or at an alternative test center and candidates will make sure they are available to take the necessary test(s). Please note your application will not normally be considered by the admissions tutors for Medicine (A100 and A101) or Biomedical Sciences if you have not taken the BMAT.
Is it possible to retake the BMAT test in the same academic cycle?
It is not possible to re-sit the BMAT. If you feel you did badly due to extenuating circumstances, for example: if you were ill on the day of the test, your test center can submit a special consideration form for you; or if there was some form of disruption at the test center you can submit the form yourself. Application forms must be received within 5 days of the test date.
How do I get my results?
Results for the BMAT are released at the end of November via CAAT’s Metri tests system. You will be given login details on the day of your test on an information sheet. Admissions tutors will receive the results of all tests directly from CAAT in time to make their shortlisting decisions in November, so candidates do not need to send their results to us separately.
How do I prepare?
Taking any type of test or exam can be stressful, but you can help build your confidence by doing a bit of preparation ahead of time. You may also do better in the real test if you’ve had a chance to practice some sample or past papers, and got used to the format and timings of the admissions test you have to take.
Here are our top tips for preparing for the BMAT:
- Review the practice and past papers for the BMAT. This will help you to feel familiar with the test paper and know what to expect.
- Sit at least one past paper in test conditions. This is really important as it will help you get used to how much time to allocate to each of the three sections.
- We strongly recommend that you check the test specification and ensure that you have covered the relevant material.
- CAAT have lots of resources to help you prepare of the BMAT on their website.
- You may also find the BMAT videos, preparation guide (to the right at the top of the page) and webinar on the CAAT website useful.
Don’t worry if you find the past or specimen papers very difficult – they’re supposed to be! All our tests are designed to stretch you further than you have been stretched before – most candidates will find them really hard.
If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to sit the MAT: Computer Science, Computer Science and Philosophy, Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematics and Philosophy, Mathematics and Statistics. The Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) is a subject-specific admissions test, lasting 2 hours and 30 minutes and sat under timed conditions.
The MAT is designed to be approachable for all students, including those without Further Mathematics A-level or equivalent. It aims to test the depth of mathematical understanding of a student rather than a breadth of knowledge. The mathematical knowledge and techniques required to do the questions are taken from a syllabus roughly corresponding to AS-level Math’s, with a few extra topics from A-level Math’s. Which questions you answer in the test depends on the course you are applying for. Details of precisely which questions you should attempt are given below. (Don’t worry, you can also find these details in the instructions on the front page of the test, and throughout the paper.)
Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, and Mathematics and Philosophy applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Mathematics and Computer Science applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Computer Science and Computer Science and Philosophy applicants should attempt questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Oxford applicants who are also applying to courses at Imperial College London and/or the University of Warwick should attempt the questions required by the Oxford course they are applying for.
The first question on the test is multiple choice and contains ten parts, each worth four marks. Marks are given solely for the correct answers, though you are encouraged to show any working out. Questions 2–7 are longer questions, each worth 15 marks, and again, you will need to show your working. Part marks are available for the longer questions. You should attempt four questions from 2–7, the selection depending on the degree for which you are applying as above. Please be aware that no calculators, formula sheets or dictionaries are permitted during the test. There are spare blank pages at the end of the test paper. Answers on extra paper should be securely attached to the booklet. Further credit cannot be gained by attempting questions other than those appropriate to the degree applied for.
Why do I have to take a test?
Most applicants to Oxford University have great personal statements, excellent references, and are also predicted top grades. It can therefore be difficult for us to choose between so many well-qualified candidates, especially as applicants come from all over the world and take different qualifications. Tests give us an extra piece of information for every student who has applied for a given course, wherever they are from. Considered together with the other elements of the application, this helps us to identify the very best candidates. However, there is no specific mark that will guarantee your application will be shortlisted. The tests vary each year, and your test score will be considered alongside the scores of other students who apply for your course.
Do I have to pay?
We do not charge candidates to take this test. However, please be aware that some independent test centers do charge an administration fee to candidates; you should contact your center for details.
How are the tests designed and reviewed?
When a department wishes to introduce a new admissions test for their course, there is a substantial consultation process within the University, including a pilot testing phase, designed to ensure that the test is suitable. Where appropriate, subject departments are encouraged to share common tests, or elements of tests, to ease the process of application for the student and administration for the school or college. Use of the tests is carefully reviewed and we undertake substantial statistical evaluation of each test.
How do I register?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). Registration isn’t automatic and just completing your UCAS application won’t register you for the test. You cannot register yourself for a test, but must do so through an authorized test center. For most candidates this is their own school or college, but can also be an open test center.
You must provide your centre with the following information:
- Your name, gender, date of birth and UCAS number exactly as they have been entered on your UCAS application
- 2. The name of the University, course and course code
- 3. Details of any access arrangements you require, along with the evidence to support your request. (Requests for modified question papers must be submitted by your center by 30 September.)
Taking your test in school or college:
Please ask your Exams Officer whether or not your school or college is registered as a test center. If they are not, they can follow this advice on how to become a test center. Institutions can register to become test centers at any time before the deadline of 30 September. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible.
Taking your test in an Open Test Center:
If for any reason your school cannot become a test center, or your circumstances make this impractical, you can take your test at an open center. You can find your nearest test center via the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT) website. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible. If you cannot find a test center within reasonable travelling distance of your home town, please contact the Support Team at CAAT.
Can I apply for access arrangements?
Your test center will be able to apply for access arrangements for you if you have a permanent or long-term disability which might affect your performance such as a sight impairment, dyslexia or cerebral palsy. You may also be eligible for access arrangements if you have a short-term difficulty, such as a broken arm. The access arrangements you are eligible for will depend on the exact nature of your condition and most often will be the same as those you would get while taking a public examination at your school. These could include modified materials (i.e. large print or braille exam papers), extra time, or the use of a laptop. You should let your school or test center know of any requirements you may have as early as you can and provide them with medical evidence to support your application. Please note the deadline for applying for modified papers is 30 September, while all other access arrangements can be arranged by the normal deadline of 15 October.
When do I take the test?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). These tests are taken on specific dates each year, a few weeks after the application deadline on 15 October. The next test dates are:
Important Dates:
- Wednesday 3 November 2021
- Wednesday 2 November 2022
We are aware that sometimes tests fall during school half terms which vary by region each year. Unfortunately, due to the tight timeframes for processing applications, it is not possible to avoid this but we hope that by giving considerable notice of test dates, schools will be able to make plans for their students to sit tests either at their school or at an alternative test center and candidates will make sure they are available to take the necessary test(s). Our admissions tests are an important part of our assessment process so please ensure you register for the test by 15 October.
Is it possible to retake the test in the same academic cycle?
It is not possible to re-sit a test. If you feel you did badly due to extenuating circumstances, for example: if you were ill on the day of the test, your test center can submit a special consideration form for you; or if there was some form of disruption at the test center you can submit the form yourself. Application forms must be received within 5 days of the test date.
What if I am sitting the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)?
Please note, the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA) is used by several universities, but is not used by Oxford. We recommend that you check the course pages of the other universities you plan to apply to. The TMUA will take on 5 November 2020. As both the MAT and the TMUA test problem-solving skills in Math’s, it is likely that your preparation for both will overlap.
How do I get my results?
Admissions tutors will receive the results of all tests directly from CAAT in time make their shortlisting decisions in November, so candidates do not need to send their results to us separately. MAT scores will be automatically distributed to all applicants shortly after college decision letters are sent. Applicants will still be able to write to their college to request feedback.”
How do I prepare?
Taking any type of test or exam can be stressful, but you can help build your confidence by doing a bit of preparation ahead of time. You may also do better in the real test if you’ve had a chance to practice some sample or past papers, and got used to the format and timings of the admissions test you have to take.
Here are our top tips for preparing for the MAT:
- Review the past papers for the MAT. This will help you to feel familiar with the test paper and know what to expect.
- 2. Sit at least one past paper in test conditions. This is really important as it will help you get used to the questions you are required to attempt, how much time to allocate to each question and how to keep within the overall time limit.
- Check the syllabus: we strongly recommend that you check the details and ensure that you have covered the relevant material. Please note, the syllabus for the MAT changed in October 2018 in line with A-level reform: please see the relevant section below for further information.
- 4. Read through the further resources provided and practice doing the problems provided there. This will help you to develop your problem-solving skills and expand your mathematical knowledge.
- 5. Watch this video produced by the Mathematics department on How to prepare for the MAT.
Useful Link:
The Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) is divided into two parts: a 90-minute, multiple-choice Thinking Skills Assessment and a 30-minute writing task. If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to take both sections of the TSA: Experimental Psychology, Geography, Human Sciences, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. However, if you are applying for Economics and Management or History and Economics, you will be required to take only Section 1.
Section 1 is made up of 50 multiple-choice questions and aims to assess the following: problem-solving skills, including numerical and spatial reasoning; critical thinking skills, including the ability to understand an argument; and the ability to reason using everyday language.
Section 2 is a writing task, that seeks to evaluate a candidate’s ability to organize ideas in a clear and concise manner, and communicate them effectively in writing. Questions are not subject-specific and candidates must answer one question from a choice of four.
Why do I have to take a test?
Most applicants to Oxford University have great personal statements, excellent references, and are also predicted top grades. It can therefore be difficult for us to choose between so many well-qualified candidates, especially as applicants come from all over the world and take different qualifications. Tests give us an extra piece of information for every student who has applied for a given course, wherever they are from. Considered together with the other elements of the application, this helps us to identify the very best candidates. However, there is no specific mark that will guarantee your application will be shortlisted. The tests vary each year, and your test score will be considered alongside the scores of other students who apply for your course.
Do I have to pay?
We do not charge candidates to take this test. However, please be aware that some independent test centers do charge an administration fee to candidates; you should contact your center for details.
How are the tests designed and reviewed?
When a department wishes to introduce a new admissions test for their course, there is a substantial consultation process within the University, including a pilot testing phase, designed to ensure that the test is suitable. Where appropriate, subject departments are encouraged to share common tests, or elements of tests, to ease the process of application for the student and administration for the school or college. Use of the tests is carefully reviewed and we undertake substantial statistical evaluation of each test.
How do I register?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). Registration isn’t automatic and just completing your UCAS application won’t register you for the test. You cannot register yourself for a test, but must do so through an authorized test center. For most candidates this is their own school or college, but can also be an open test center.
You must provide your centre with the following information:
- 1. Your name, gender, date of birth and UCAS number exactly as they have been entered on your UCAS application
- 2. The name of the University, course and course code
- 3. Details of any access arrangements you require, along with the evidence to support your request. (Requests for modified question papers must be submitted by your center by 30 September.)
Taking your test in school or college:
Please ask your Exams Officer whether or not your school or college is registered as a test center. If they are not, they can follow this advice on how to become a test center. Institutions can register to become test centers at any time before the deadline of 30 September. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible.
Taking your test in an Open Test Centre:
If for any reason your school cannot become a test center, or your circumstances make this impractical, you can take your test at an open center. You can find your nearest test center via the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT) website. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible. If you cannot find a test center within reasonable travelling distance of your home town, please contact the Support Team at CAAT.
Joint Schools
Applicants for History and Economics must ensure that they are registered to take the test called Thinking Skills Assessment: Section 1 (TSA S1). Candidates for History and Economics will need to sit more than one test and will need to ask to be registered for both tests. You will receive two candidate numbers as confirmation that your registration has been successful.
Can I apply for access arrangements?
Your test center will be able to apply for access arrangements for you if you have a permanent or long-term disability which might affect your performance such as a sight impairment, dyslexia or cerebral palsy. You may also be eligible for access arrangements if you have a short-term difficulty, such as a broken arm. The access arrangements you are eligible for will depend on the exact nature of your condition and most often will be the same as those you would get while taking a public examination at your school. These could include modified materials (i.e. large print or braille exam papers), extra time, or the use of a laptop. You should let your school or test center know of any requirements you may have as early as you can and provide them with medical evidence to support your application. Please note the deadline for applying for modified papers is 30 September, while all other access arrangements can be arranged by the normal deadline of 15 October.
How do I register?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). Registration isn’t automatic and just completing your UCAS application won’t register you for the test. You cannot register yourself for a test, but must do so through an authorized test center. For most candidates this is their own school or college, but can also be an open test center.
You should let your school or test center know of any requirements you may have as early as you can and provide them with medical evidence to support your application. Please note the deadline for applying for modified papers is 30 September, while all other access arrangements can be arranged by the normal deadline of 15 October.
When do I take the test?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. These tests are taken on specific dates each year, a few weeks after the application deadline on 15 October. The next test dates are:
- Wednesday 3 November 2021
- Wednesday 2 November 2022
We are aware that sometimes tests fall during school half terms which vary by region each year. Unfortunately, due to the tight timeframes for processing applications, it is not possible to avoid this but we hope that by giving considerable notice of test dates, schools will be able to make plans for their students to sit tests either at their school or at an alternative test center and candidates will make sure they are available to take the necessary test(s). Our admissions tests are an important part of our assessment process so please ensure you register for the test (or tests) by 15 October.
Is it possible to re-take the test in the same academic cycle?
It is not possible to re-sit a test. If you feel you did badly due to extenuating circumstances, for example: if you were ill on the day of the test, your test center can submit a special considerations form for you; or if there was some form of disruption at the test center you can submit the form yourself. Application forms must be received within 5 days of the test date.
When do I get the results?
Results for the TSA are released to candidates in early January by CAAT. You will be issued a Statement of Results via their Results Online system*. Results are only available for candidates to download for 60 days from the date of issue. After this, you cannot obtain your results.
*When registering on Results Online, if you cannot select your date of birth in the pop-up calendar, please type it into the box. Admissions tutors will receive the results of all tests directly from Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing in time to make their shortlisting decisions in November, so you do not need to send your results to us separately.
If you are applying for one of the following courses you will be required to sit the PAT as part of the admissions process: Engineering, Materials Science, Physics and Physics and Philosophy. The Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) is a subject-specific admissions test, lasting for 2 hours and sat under timed conditions. The PAT is designed for candidates who have studied the first year of A-level (or equivalent) Math’s and Physics, and covers similar material to that of the GCSE and A-level syllabus. However, please make sure to go through the PAT syllabus carefully as you may find there are a few topics that you haven’t yet covered in school. If this is the case, we recommend talking to your teacher about how best to tackle these subjects before the test date. This may require you to do some independent study by reading through your textbook or looking at the online resources provided by your exam board.
How do I Prepare?
Calculators are permitted, please see the following guidelines about usage in the PAT. Candidates should note that you are not allowed to take formula sheets, tables and data books into the test.
Why do I have to take a test?
Most applicants to Oxford University have great personal statements, excellent references, and are also predicted top grades. It can therefore be difficult for us to choose between so many well-qualified candidates, especially as applicants come from all over the world and take different qualifications. Tests give us an extra piece of information for every student who has applied for a given course, wherever they are from. Considered together with the other elements of the application, this helps us to identify the very best candidates. However, there is no specific mark that will guarantee your application will be shortlisted. The tests vary each year, and your test score will be considered alongside the scores of other students who apply for your course.
Do I have to pay?
We do not charge candidates to take this test. However, please be aware that some independent test centers do charge an administration fee to candidates; you should contact your center for details.
How are the tests designed and reviewed?
When a department wishes to introduce a new admissions test for their course, there is a substantial consultation process within the University, including a pilot testing phase, designed to ensure that the test is suitable. Where appropriate, subject departments are encouraged to share common tests, or elements of tests, to ease the process of application for the student and administration for the school or college. Use of the tests is carefully reviewed and we undertake substantial statistical evaluation of each test.
How do I register?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT). Registration isn’t automatic and just completing your UCAS application won’t register you for the test. You cannot register yourself for a test, but must do so through an authorized test center. For most candidates this is their own school or college, but can also be an open test center.
You must provide your centre with the following information:
- 1. Your name, gender, date of birth and UCAS number exactly as they have been entered on your UCAS application
- 2. The name of the University, course and course code
- Details of any access arrangements you require, along with the evidence to support your request. (Requests for modified question papers must be submitted by your center by 30 September.)
Taking your test in school or college:
Please ask your Exams Officer whether or not your school or college is registered as a test center. If they are not, they can follow this advice on how to become a test center. Institutions can register to become test centers at any time before the deadline of 30 September. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible.
Taking your test in an Open Test Centre:
If for any reason your school cannot become a test center, or your circumstances make this impractical, you can take your test at an open center. You can find your nearest test center via the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT) website. Registration for candidates to take tests opens on 1 September and you must have your candidate entry number(s) as proof of entry by 6pm UK time on 15 October. You are strongly advised to begin making arrangements as soon as possible. If you cannot find a test center within reasonable travelling distance of your home town, please contact the Support Team at CAAT.
Can I apply for access arrangements?
Your test center will be able to apply for access arrangements for you if you have a permanent or long-term disability which might affect your performance such as a sight impairment, dyslexia or cerebral palsy. You may also be eligible for access arrangements if you have a short-term difficulty, such as a broken arm. The access arrangements you are eligible for will depend on the exact nature of your condition and most often will be the same as those you would get while taking a public examination at your school. These could include modified materials (i.e. large print or braille exam papers), extra time, or the use of a laptop. You should let your school or test center know of any requirements you may have as early as you can and provide them with medical evidence to support your application. Please note the deadline for applying for modified papers is 30 September, while all other access arrangements can be arranged by the normal deadline of 15 October.
When do I take the test?
The University’s admissions tests are administered by Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing. These tests are taken on specific dates each year, a few weeks after the application deadline on 15 October. The next test dates are:
- Wednesday 3 November 2021
- Wednesday 2 November 2022
We are aware that sometimes tests fall during school half terms which vary by region each year. Unfortunately, due to the tight timeframes for processing applications, it is not possible to avoid this but we hope that by giving considerable notice of test dates, schools will be able to make plans for their students to sit tests either at their school or at an alternative test center and candidates will make sure they are available to take the necessary test(s).
Our admissions tests are an important part of our assessment process so please ensure you register for the test by 15 October.
Is it possible to re-take the test in the same academic cycle?
It is not possible to re-sit a test. If you feel you did badly due to extenuating circumstances, for example: if you were ill on the day of the test, your test center can submit a Special Considerations Form for you; or if there was some form of disruption at the test center you can submit the form yourself. Application forms must be received within 5 days of the test date.
How do I get my results?
Results for the PAT are not automatically published but they can be requested as part of the usual feedback process. Admissions tutors will receive the results of all tests directly from CAAT in time make their shortlisting decisions in November, so candidates do not need to send their results to us separately.
How do I prepare?
Taking any type of test or exam can be stressful, but you can help build your confidence by doing a bit of preparation ahead of time. You may also do better in the real test if you’ve had a chance to practice some sample or past papers, and got used to the format and timings of the admissions test you have to take. Here are our top tips for preparing for the PAT:
Check the syllabus: we strongly recommend that you check the details and ensure that you have covered the relevant material. The material is aimed at A-level Math’s and Physics plus knowledge of material covered at GCSE. However, we cannot guarantee when the material will be covered in your school by the time of the test date. If this is the case, we recommend talking to your teacher about how best to tackle these subjects before the test. This may require you to do some independent study by reading through your textbook or looking at the online resources provided by your exam board.
Review the sample papers for the PAT. This will help you to feel familiar with the test paper and know what to expect.
Get practice doing some problem solving/hard physics questions that are not included in your A-level syllabus. It is advisable to do questions from a range of other sources, not just A-level type questions which can be more structured in nature than the PAT. There are some links below to other websites/material which you might find helpful.
Sit at least one past paper in test conditions. This is really important as it will help you get used to how much time to allocate to each question and keep within the two-hour limit.
Don’t worry if you find the past or specimen papers very difficult – they’re supposed to be! All our tests are designed to stretch you further than you have been stretched before!
Useful Link:
STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) Mathematics is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics. STEP is used by the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick and Imperial College London. Please check the details of your course(s) to confirm if you are required to take STEP as part of the application process. If you are in any doubt, please contact the university directly.
Other universities sometimes ask candidates to take STEP as part of their offer – in such cases, the university can advise on which papers to take. There are also a number of candidates who sit STEP papers as a challenge.
STEP test format
From 2021, STEP 1 will no longer exist and only STEP 2 and STEP 3 will remain.
If you were planning to take STEP 1 as part of your university application, please check with your chosen university to see which alternative option(s) they will accept. STEP scoring
There are five possible grades:
S – Outstanding
1 – Very Good
2 – Good
3 – Satisfactory
U – Unclassified.
All STEP questions are marked out of 20. The final grade for the paper is based on the student’s six best answers only.
All the questions that are attempted by a student will be marked. Candidates are rewarded for making good progress towards a solution, even if the final answer is incorrect. Correct answers always receive full marks, whatever the method used.
STEP results
On results day (10 August 2021), you will be able to view your results using our Results Online system.
Results will be passed to institutions through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) for use in their admissions processes. There is some variation in how different institutions make use of the results – candidates can contact the relevant institution(s) for more information on this.
Unlike A Levels, Cambridge candidates’ answers are available to Cambridge admissions officers. This enables officers to make judgments on candidates who miss their offer on the basis of their actual work, rather than on just their marks or grade.
The test consists of up to two 3-hour paper-based examinations: STEP 2 and STEP 3. Candidates are usually required to sit either one or two of the examinations, depending on the requirements of the universities they have applied to. Graph paper is not needed, as the test requires only sketches, not detailed graphs. There is no longer a formulae booklet for STEP Mathematics examinations.
Changes to STEP from 2019
The following changes will be implemented for the 2019 examinations: The specifications will be updated to reflect the reforms in A- Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics;
The number of questions in each paper will decrease.
STEP 1 has now been discontinued.
STEP 2 is based on A Level Mathematics and AS Level Further Mathematics. The paper has 12 questions across three sections: the first contains 8 pure questions, the second contains 2 mechanics questions, and the third contains 2 probability/statistics questions.
STEP 3 is based on A Level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics.
The paper has 12 questions across three sections: the first contains 8 pure questions, the second contains 2 mechanics questions, and the third contains 2 probability/statistics questions. The style of the questions will remain unaltered, and most of the STEP questions from previous papers can be used for preparation. As before, each question will have the maximum mark of 20. In each paper, candidates will be assessed on the six questions best answered; no restriction will be placed on the number of questions that may be attempted from any section and all questions attempted will be marked. The marking scheme for each question will be designed to reward candidates who make good progress towards a complete solution. Correct answers always receive full marks, whatever the method used. Questions may test a candidate’s ability to apply mathematical knowledge in novel and unfamiliar ways and will often require knowledge of several different specification topics. Solutions will frequently require insight, ingenuity, persistence and the ability to work through substantial sequences of algebraic manipulation.
How to register:
Dates & Costs:
Scoring & Results
STEP Dates 2021
Date Event
15 March 2021: STEP registration opens
Centres can register candidates from this date:
23 April 2021 at 16:00 (BST): Last date to request modified question papers for STEP
7 May 2021 at 16:00 (BST): STEP registration closes*
Last date to request Access Arrangements for STEP
14 June 2021: STEP paper 2 test date**
17 June 2021: STEP paper 3 test date**
10 August 2021: STEP test results released
16 August 2021 at 17:00 (BST): Last date for Results Enquiries
STEP costs 2021
Registration fee per STEP paper (UK only): £90
Registration fee per STEP paper (outside the UK): £125/€145/$173
Application for Results Enquiries (per paper): £44/€57/$66
Application for Appeal (per paper): £44/€57/$66
Please note: we reserve the right to make changes to these costs. Some centres add an administration fee to the STEP entry fee, which covers the cost of invigilation, dispatch costs and room hire which are essential for running the test: contact your center for details.
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